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St Francis' Primary School, Castlewellan
Primary 1 September 2025 APPLICATIONS OPEN - Friday 10 January 2025 – at 12 noon until Friday 24 January 2025 – at 12 noon.
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A Visit from Local Firefighters Barney and Paul

3rd Dec 2018

As part of our class World Around Us topic - The Great Fire Of London, we received a very welcome visit from Charlotte's grandad Barney and his colleague Paul.

They talked to the children about what is involved in a day in the life of a firefighter and explained all the different rescues they carry out, from house fires, to safety checks at new shops and restaurants, school visits and mountain rescue. They also explained all about the different type of protective clothing worn by them and the children had great fun trying these on. Then we went outside and had a look at the fire engine, where Paul and Barney showed the children where all the equipment is stored and explained what they are all used for. The best bit of the day was when the children each had a go squirting the water hose and each child tried their best to spray as far as possible to soak Mr Magee's car. A very successful mission!

Thank you Barney and Paul.