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St Francis' Primary School, Castlewellan

Speech & Drama Festival 2024

27th Jun 2024
On Monday 24th June we held our annual Speech & Drama Festival.  As usual, it was a great success and we had many deserving winners, so difficult to judge in fact, that we had two winners in the Primary 1 class and two winners in the Primary 5 class!  This shows the abundant talent of all our wonderful children.  Each child spoke with confidence, projected their voices and added their unique interpretation of the poems. A massive thank you to Mrs Mary McPolin, our Literacy Support Teacher for performing the unenviable task of judging. 
P1 Winner: Daisy and Molly
P2 Winner: Aoife
P3 Winner: Cillian
P4 Winner: Meabh 
P5 Winner: Orlaith and Saorfhlaith
P6 Winner: Shauna
P7 Winner: Ellie-May
Overall competition winner: Shauna