Child Protection

The following principles form the basis of our Child Protection Policy:
- It is a child’s right to feel safe at all times, to be heard, listened to and taken seriously;
- We have a pastoral responsibility towards the children in our care and should take all reasonable steps to ensure their welfare is safeguarded and their safety is preserved;
- In any incident the child’s welfare must be paramount, this overrides all other considerations; and
- A proper balance must be struck between protecting children and respecting the rights and needs of parents and families; but where there is conflict the child’s interest must always come first.

Mr J.P. Magee
Principal P6 & P7 teacher Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection R.E. Co-ordinator

Mrs S. McIvor
P1/2 teacher Designated teacher for Child Protection Eco-School Co-ordinator

Mrs T. Magorrian
P4/5 teacher ICT Co-ordinator Assessment Co-ordinator Website Manager

Mrs P. O'Neill
S.E.N. Classroom Assistant Supervisory Assistant Building Maintenance Officer

Mrs Savage
Board Of Governor for C.P.