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St Francis' Primary School, Castlewellan

Child Protection


The following principles form the basis of our Child Protection Policy:

  • It is a child’s right to feel safe at all times, to be heard, listened to and taken seriously;
  • We have a pastoral responsibility towards the children in our care and should take all reasonable steps to ensure their welfare is safeguarded and their safety is preserved;
  • In any incident the child’s welfare must be paramount, this overrides all other considerations; and
  • A proper balance must be struck between protecting children and respecting the rights and needs of parents and families; but where there is conflict the child’s interest must always come first.


Mr J.P. Magee
Mr J.P. Magee

Principal P6 & P7 teacher Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection R.E. Co-ordinator

Mrs S. McIvor
Mrs S. McIvor

P1/2 teacher Designated teacher for Child Protection Eco-School Co-ordinator

Mrs T. Magorrian
Mrs T. Magorrian

P4/5 teacher ICT Co-ordinator Assessment Co-ordinator Website Manager


Mrs P. O'Neill
Mrs P. O'Neill

S.E.N. Classroom Assistant Supervisory Assistant Building Maintenance Officer

Mrs Savage
Mrs Savage

Board Of Governor for C.P.


Useful Websites for Parents

EA SEN Information
Sen Information